Refined Breathwork
“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again”
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Regardless of our physique or physical ability, we all breathe. Every single day.
Yet, we’re a society of shallow breathers. So many of us are not familiar with our patterns nor using our diaphragm - the engine of breathing, which is something we do between 17,000 and 23,000 times each day. That’s a lot of breath that can either pass us by – being shaped by our habits – or serve as an opportunity to bring us focus, calm and much more.
Refined breathing is about being conscious of your breath and getting to know its potency. These practices are designed to move you away from habitual breathing into more refined nasal techniques, conscious dynamic mouth breathing and retentions that can help you shift states. That might be from lethargy to motivated, confused to clear or from anxious to calm and grounded.